What is the best camera that can be used in air?

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Full Member level 5
Nov 15, 2003
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best camera ?

hi all

i need to use a camera for my airplane project it will be in board with the plane

i need to know types of cameras that can record while flying .......for both snap shots and video recording

any sites for that

thanks for help

best camera ?

Are you talking about a model airplane or a real full size airplane?

It nessasary to know how heavy and big the camera can be.

Re: best camera ?

ME said:
Are you talking about a model airplane or a real full size airplane?

It nessasary to know how heavy and big the camera can be.

yeah thats an important question..... anyway if u r looking for digital cameras try sony cybershot...I am a satisified customer..it can take picts while moving with good clarity by adjusting the exposure time

Re: best camera ?


the plane ..........is an rc plane.............not real plane of course...........

i will put the camera on it to take picturse .........so i need camera that can take photos with high speed moving

Re: best camera ?

I have an olympus one but I will recomend a digital camera that can be triggered externally, via a contact. This is usefull if you want to control the shots from your transmitter. You can use one of the control buttons (spare channel) to remotely activate your camera.
The trick is to find one that interfaces to an external trigger switch.

Re: best camera ?

You can use a colour analogue camera (very lightweight and very cheap) and transmit the TV signal to the ground and make the recording on the earth.
Of course if you want a hi-quality photos this is useless.

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