What is the best Antivirus software on the market?

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Best Antivirus

I use AVG free version consumes less ram,before i used to use Norton.

Re: Best Antivirus

The 3 best free ones I know are Antivir Avg and Avast . these are all light though antivir is the lightest on the machine however it doesnot have repair function like AVG.

Best Antivirus

NOD32 ..........its Great.......Try it

Best Antivirus

AVG free as antivirus and zone alarm free as firewall, the best combination to stay clean

Best Antivirus

the best antivirus I think is kaspersky..

robust and full protected..

but for free AVG is nice too..

Re: Best Antivirus

IMHO all posts above are worthless.

Have any one of You tried out more than one AV program?

You say:

xx is better,

no, yy is the best.

But You do not write WHY, which is essential issue here.

It also prooves that you have no idea what You write about (and/or you have no basis for comparison).

If You use cracks, surf on strange sites like porn, etc, then NO AV program will protect You in 100%.
Best AV is in Your heads (do not open strange mail attachments, disable ALL kind of scripts in web browser, use FIREFOX instead of damn IE, and so on).

For an everyday PC use ANY AV is good.

Have a good day while writing "zz is best". Do not forget to add as many emoticons as possible.


Re: Best Antivirus

Eset Nod 32 antivirus
low overhead , dous not flag false posatives ( keygens ) great detection levels.

Re: Best Antivirus

I use NOD32. It's very easy to configure and doesn't seem to slow down the system too much.
I don't recommend to use Panda antivirus. When i purchased it and installed, my internet connection and home network didn't work at all. I wrote to Panda technical support describing the problem and they sent me corrected version of *.exe file. After replacing the file the internet and home network started to work correctly but another problem occured - my C compilers installed on my PC didn't work. They displayed "Win32" errors each time i tried to compile my programs. So i wrote to Panda again. This time, however they ignored me and didn't respond. I got furious, removed Panda software from my PC and threw out Panda CD through
the window. Then i purchased NOD32 and have used it for 6 months now without any issues.

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