What is the best Antivirus software on the market?

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Re: Best Antivirus

with me, it is Kaspersky Internet Security. Its light, effective and sensitive.

Re: Best Antivirus

For me NOD32 is the best, never had lighter antivir app.. highly recomend

Re: Best Antivirus

kasper sky, my only trusted anti virus software :-s I've never tried other software :-?

Re: Best Antivirus

i don't use any antivirus ,i use ubuntu and never be infected.

Possibly because ubuntu is now a virus itself.
Did you know it has code that automatically uploads your data
to the internet? They call it "cloud"

"Cloud" is just a euphemism for trojan.

Seriously - dont trust Linux anymore.
Check it VERY carefully before installing.


Re: Best Antivirus

Currently there are many antivirus available in the market some of them are free and some are paid. I am using Norton Antivirus for last 3 years, it is the best antivirus I have used till now. This antivirus has provided excellent detection and removal of malware. However, that protection came at the price of slowing down system performance. In my opinion top 5 antivirus available are

- Norton Antivirus
- ZoneAlarm Extreme Security
- F-Secure Internet Security Suite
- Kaspersky Internet Security
- Trend Micro Internet Security Suite

Re: Best Antivirus

Avast is best anti virus software. But always update this software this software.

Re: Best Antivirus

"Avira Anti Virus" &&&&&&&&&&& "Avast Anti Virus". these two are good..Simply the Best

Re: Best Antivirus

Why use Anti virus??? Why not choose a platform immune to viruses?:lol:

Use Linux and be happy. There are only 33 worms most are in labs and non in the wild.

Re: Best Antivirus

If 90% of the public uses Linux than about 99% of the viruses will be targetted for Linux no matter what !.

Re: Best Antivirus

If 90% of the public uses Linux than about 99% of the viruses will be targetted for Linux no matter what !.

Unix is Older Than other OSs. Most of the research started on it, But why there are less number of viruses?
1) If 90% of wise public leave open there doorway, then definitely robbers will get in.
2) if 90% of people use a weak lock then definitely they are inviting dacoits to breakin.

Is it not wise to learn from other's mistake and change?

Re: Best Antivirus

If programmers do write BAD software and allow FIFO overflow (MS-Windows) to happen hacker will find it and get in !.
If programmers do write BAD TCP/IP stacks, hackers will work there way in to the computer.
If programmers do design a file system that has no access level and everyfile can be modified without any warning hackers will use this.
If programmers do design a Explored program that executes code (filename.exe) even if you open the directory, ist simply stupid.
This is the real reason.

Some things you can't change, simply because some programs use this in a normal and legal way. That is what MS is facing.

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