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large signal modeling
This is siva,i was new for analog design,so i have one basic doubt that is ......
What is smalsignal model ?
What is large signal model ?
what is actual difference between the smal signal model and large signal model ?and what is the necessity of that models ?
Whare we can use smal signal model circuit and whare we can use large signal model circuit for analysing the analog circuit ?.
Thanks for your reply
This is siva,i was new for analog design,so i have one basic doubt that is ......
What is smalsignal model ?
What is large signal model ?
what is actual difference between the smal signal model and large signal model ?and what is the necessity of that models ?
Whare we can use smal signal model circuit and whare we can use large signal model circuit for analysing the analog circuit ?.
Thanks for your reply