What is Mosfet static characteristics and Dynamic characteristics

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Full Member level 1
May 28, 2020
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I have been tasked to perform Static and Dynamic power analysis of Mosfet for Flyback converter (Allready designed )
And we have found mosfet closer to IRF60B217 (IRF60B217 Datasheet Link) but we would like to do Static and Dynamic power analysis.
I have never done this kind of analysis, Can someone give highlights how to do this? What needs taken care.

Which section of datasheet cover this characteristics?


The static and dynamic characteristic sections are labled in the datasheet......

Basically in static you would setup a spice sim and DC sweep Vgs and examine Vds,
Idrain, Power.... You can also do a sweep of Vds and recreate :

Dynamic curve's page 8 shows test circuits to sim. Note best dynamic results are
done siming actual circuit surrounding the MOSFET, more complicated, especially
the magnetics, but more accurate.

Many folks use LTSpice for sims. I like Simetrix because of easy probing, impedance, power.....

Some time well spent would be to read about basic MOSFET behavior as a device, and
insights will fall into place much easier. Bedtime reading.

Regards, Dana.
--- Updated ---

This might help :

Regards, Dana.
Last edited:
Static characteristics might matter to conduction losses but this is
not a static application per se (duh). You might use static power
dissipation, thermal impedance, SOA corner-carve to assess a
dynamic dissipation result (although switching does distribute
the losses a bit differently within the device, probably close
enough for rough reliability results-vs-rules figuring).

Dynamic characteristics can be used to infer some switching loss
contributors like raw gate capacitances' "shuttle charge" and if
you also know the gate driver attributes, perhaps some idea of
the Miller plateau's and the risetimes on either side of it durations
(which is a complicated Id(t)*Vds(t) power dissipation "waveform"
which you'd like to know as a Joule slug per cycle (and its back
half of the cycle too).

If you have a credible device model I'd take that and its simulated
results over any attempt to fine-analyze switching losses in closed
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