What is meant by Rx level and what is its practical application?

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rx level full


Do you mean the signal level feeds to the receiver or the sensitivity level ?


rx level sub

I think you mean is the receiver's sensitivity level, it is the minium level of the signal that the receiver can indentify,it signify the receive capability of the receiver.


RX Level is not sensitivity.

RX Level represents a signal at the input of your receiver. Could be anywhere into the range of the receiver’s dynamic range.

RSSI (Read Signal Strength Indicator) could measure the RX Level.

rx level (full and sub)-

So is it the noise floor of your Rx?
It sounds like the Sensitivity minus the S/N (KTB+N). Are you trying to
find where your RX will lock to the TX Freq?

rx level full and rx level sub

I think, RX level is the level of the signal in the place, where you are receiving the signal. It can be calculated from the ouput power of the transmitter, radiating pattern of the transmitter antenna and distance between transmitter and receiver. It is the level of the signal, which enters the receiver antenna.

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