What is better for USB interfacing, C# or VB?

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Junior Member level 1
Nov 9, 2007
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WHAT is better to used about interfacing,
VB or c# .., specifically on USB interfacing.???

C# or VB

If you want GUI then it is easier to use VB

Re: C# or VB

I feel now both are easy actually.....and C# is more powerful than VB...better going for C#..

Re: C# or VB

I think that C# it's a little complicated in comparison with VB, but it's more powerfull and it's better.

Re: C# or VB

for interfacing, it does not matter whether using c# neither vb, cause u need some DLL file to handle the port u dealing with, could u specify the type of the port u dealing with .but if u have a good object oriented back ground use C#

C# or VB

VB.NET and C# are based on .NET platform and both of them are producing managed code; Programs you write with this technology will require MS Framework to be installed on the target machine.

I used VB.NET with my project to create the GUI and it was enjoyable and rather easy.

Now I learn C#, and from first impression it is far more powerfull than VB.NET.
In addition, if u know and done some C code programming, then u'll find that migrating to C# will be the native choice.
for example declaring variables in:
VB.NET = Dim variable AS Integer
C#,C = int variable;

About the USB interfacing: It'll be the best if the vendor will provide you with a DLL driver which you'll want to Import it to the code u are writing either in VB.NET or with C#; After u've done that, u'll need to call to the API functions inside the DLL. The functions names and description, as well as the argumensts, should be provided by the vendor(usually as a PDF file or similar).
I recommend that u'll read this book also for USB Interfacing: **broken link removed**

Hope it helps....

Re: C# or VB

you can use visual C# 2005 it is very powerfull and very easy

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