What has happened to microchip website?

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its 170603 (june 3rd 2017) 21:00 hrs London and for the last few hours we havent been able to get on the microchip website. Do you know whats wrong.
We need to download MPLAB X IDE and XC8 C Compiler

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I am on btopenworld and i am just getting "server not found" with your kindly supplied links.....all other websites seem ok...i got microchip about 10 hours ago, but not since.

- - - Updated - - -

I am just wondering if they have kicked me out because i was trying for ages to download their mplab software over my slow link, and maybe they noted my web access address and kicked me out for good?

Highly unlikely. The problem is almost certainly at your end, the pathway via btopenworld may be blocked or even something on your own computer has blacklisted their site.
Assuming you are using Windoze, try temporarily disabling all the 'protection' software and any anti-virus utilities and try again. If you have any partial downloads from a previous attempt, try deleting those too in case it tries to resume but the version or page address has changed in the meantime.

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