
In UK, when you are driving, and you wish to be courteous to another driver, and allow him right of way, then you flash your headlamps at him ,on/off/on/off......... in quick succession.
How is this done?.....is it a relay in the power line to the headlamp that gets repeatedly switched on/off/on...?
Also, with LED headlamps, constantly turning the power supply to the lamp on/off/on like this will cause violent oscillations in the LC EMI filter of the headlamp.......and since its a boost converter used to power the leds, there will be violent oscillations between the boost inductor and the boost output capacitor..............this will mean huge oscillatory currents, and of course, these will end up flowing in the switching FET.
Therefore, do you agree, that with LED headlights, the following type of current sense/comparator circuit is needed to stop these sort of oscillations from happening?
In UK, when you are driving, and you wish to be courteous to another driver, and allow him right of way, then you flash your headlamps at him ,on/off/on/off......... in quick succession.
How is this done?.....is it a relay in the power line to the headlamp that gets repeatedly switched on/off/on...?
Also, with LED headlamps, constantly turning the power supply to the lamp on/off/on like this will cause violent oscillations in the LC EMI filter of the headlamp.......and since its a boost converter used to power the leds, there will be violent oscillations between the boost inductor and the boost output capacitor..............this will mean huge oscillatory currents, and of course, these will end up flowing in the switching FET.
Therefore, do you agree, that with LED headlights, the following type of current sense/comparator circuit is needed to stop these sort of oscillations from happening?