OK thanks, I have changed the load "R" value to (9 x 0.6 + 0.8) Ohms = 6.2 Ohms.
As a consequence of this...the feedback loop is now almost impossible to arrange for a good phase and gain margin , when using the equation 2A-22 of the Basso book, page 233.
The plots are as below.
As you can see, the Total loop's magnitude plot has three crossover points.....the compensation components appear conservative, and yet there is dreadful gain and phase margin.
I think that equation 2A-22 cannot be applicable to LED drivers?
Attached please find the buckboost schematic and LTspice simulation
I cannot understand how the simulation is so super-stable when the calculation says it has a terrible gain and phase margin?
I have also attached the gain and phase plots for the Power stage, the Error amp, and the Total Loop.
The Power stage poles for this buckboost LED driver are as follows...
Power stage Pole = 6.1KHz
RHPZ = 1.3KHz
Esr zero = 398KHz.
Do you think its a problem that the RHPZ is a lot below the power stage pole in frequency.?