[SOLVED] What files do the PCB manufacturer need and what files do the assembly house need?

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Nov 29, 2012
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I'm about to order my first PCB and then also send the PCB to assembly.

What files do the PCB manufacturer need and what files do the assembly house need?

I have read that the x y coordinates of the components need to be in the center of gravity of the component. But how do I handle this if the components are not square?

And if I supply a pick and place file to the assembly house how do they know where I have set the center on my footprints?

Adding Fiducials in the design is a way out!

Files for Assembly - Assembly Top and Bottom (AST/ASB)

I've also wondered about this. How do you know where to define the origin of the component in terms of were a pick n place should grab it? And wouldn't you have to define the height of the component as well?

Research ODB++

Then you only need to send them 1 file.
Not everyone has the money to spend on a CAD package with a Valor license.

Most packages these days do ODB++ output as standard, you do not have to pay Mentor for a license (Mentor own the ODB++ spec).
Otherwise its Gerber, Excellon drill file, IPC-D-356 netlist format, BOM and pick and place information. If you want info about component look up information on the IPC-7351 format, this will show you the component origin, also generaly the pick up point. Otherwise use the component centroid as a basis for youur pick up point, most component are pretty standard so this point will do. Make a fid the 0,0 point for your pick and place data. Hieght is only a concern for fitting in cases assembly house will sort out any height issues.

If your origin is in the wrong place then the manufacturer may be able to create their own P&P file using just the Gerber files if they have Graphicodes GC-Powerplace program.

If it is an oddball component then they will figure out the centre point on the machine itself so do not worry about it.

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