What exactly does tunneling mean?

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Re: tunneling

tunneling is the phenomenon when the barrier is smaller than the wavelength of electron and hence electron crosses the barrier leading to nonlinear behaviour....

Re: tunneling

so is it a defect which leads to transistor breakdown

Re: tunneling

it is not a defect.... it actually leads to negative resistance because the transistor will not obey eber-moll equation and hence this excess charge can be supported only until a particular level after which the current drops leading to negative resistance... google out tunnel diode to learn more....

Re: tunneling

it may cause breakdown but it's not the breakdown itself.

Re: tunneling

sachinmaheshwari said:
what exactly the tunneling means?

tunneling is a quantum mechanical phenomenon where due to the wave nature of matter, a particle actually "tunnels" through a barrier...

Re: tunneling

hi all,

tunneling is the phenomenon when the barrier is smaller than

the wavelength of electron,

hence electron crosses the barrier leading to nonlinear behaviour.


Added after 4 minutes:

hi all,

it is not a defect.... it actually leads to negative resistance because the transistor will not obey

eber-moll equation and hence this excess charge can be supported only until a particular level

after which the current drops leading to negative resistance...

for more detail refer to analog cmos design text book.



Hi folks,

Tunneling is a phenomenon in which electron crosses the barrier by penetrating through barrier but in usual operation electron gets sufficient energy equal to barrier potential to cross barrier.

In general width of the barrier is high so probability of tunneling is less, as barrier width decreases probability of penetration increases so we will consider the tunneling concept.

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