What does this electronic symbol mean?

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Re: Electronic simbol

MaxElec said:
What kind of simbol is this ?


Only guessing.

Tunned Capacitor (hence the capicator type symbol and "T", "C")?

Re: Electronic simbol

can you post the whole circuit?
this is all i have but im 100% sure that this simbol was used before 80 years so i think it is capasitor...?

Re: Electronic simbol

It is for the "air" tuning capacitor at the resonance circuit (radio antenna). I saw it in the old radio diagram and circuit, as well the air capacitor is obsolete now, the mica capacitor is used intead, it is much smaller and lighter.

Re: Electronic simbol

It is for the "air" tuning capacitor at the resonance circuit (radio antenna).
Im not 100% sure but i think you are right.

Do you know where i can get such capasitors (high voltage) in Europe ?

Re: Electronic simbol

I am not in Europe, but I think, as this kind of tuning capacitor (it must be high voltage) is obsolete now, so you may find it out at any store for the old transistor radio, old tube radio.

Good luck

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