What does the layout word refer to?

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Re: layout

i meant by changing the library => switching to another library
but regarding making changes in the cells themselves, how can you do that? Is it feasible, please elaborate !

Re: layout

foundaries have several processes...like generic,G+,low-power...
for such changes you'll not require to change the gds you just characterize and validate using spice models for the same...you can also make some changes with respective to Vt like adding high-Vt or low Vt layer so to make adjustment regarding timing and power...
Re: layout

so when saying "changing" the standard cells,you meant changing the processes in the fab, to meet certain requirements....not making direct changes in the cells themselves ok,that's clear now....and you just check the results of these process changes through spice....that's cool

thanks alot for the tons of useful info guys I really appreciate it


Re: layout

this is getting crazy
now I'm really laughing
so just tell me quick quick, before I loose the spirit
how can we make changes in the cells (given that they aren't developed by the guy in the next office in your company )

Salma :!::?::idea:


hello salma

open the cell in the layout tools like virtuoso .. since all the standard cells and library cells can not be modified as they are protechted against any changes . just copy the cell in to an new layout . and t hen u can play round with the cell ,,

Re: layout

Sorry if i got out the main point of the topic..


Can you please tell me what is the viewer you use, and how could you capture this layout with white background?


Re: layout

its an internal tool developed for gds viewing by one of our groups...(you cannot edit anything in this tool,clear aim is to use for debugging purposes)...

Added after 9 minutes:

Many free tools for gds viewing are available, just try to search google.com

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