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what does RF Planning involve exactly..?

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Jul 6, 2007
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what is rf planning

Hello All,
I am going to join a telecom operator where my profile will be a RF planner. I really wonder what exactly it involves..? What are the job responsiblities as such...? I want to know it in advance so that I can better start knowing the things in advance and prepare myself for new job.
Do let me know please.
Thank you.

rf planning pdf

I'm not 100% sure but I think this is when you drive around with a meter to
determine where a good location is to put a Cell tower, and you maintain the
cell towers (RF hardware) if and when needed.

look on hotjobs for that title and see what the description says.
Good luck on your new job.
planet rf planning tool

I don't know exactly which domain but it is certainly not in Defence, or not even in industrial zone. It is a commercial company so it is mostly in telemetry or mobile communication..or rather in mobile communication
What 's difference in these things..??
Any advantage of doing some of these at start...?
what is rfplanning

Read the planning part in PDF. But it is common for all RF requirements but pdf is for WIFI. whatever is in the pdf is same for any field in RF along with below explaination.

RF Planning-Planet

Planet is a planning tool capable of modeling any size of radio system, from intensive local area to extensive country wide based on the requirements viz. coverage to be achieved, size of the subscriber base, signal performance and tolerable interference etc. Planet can be used to design site placement and coverage, run the basic propagation coverage and propagation analysis, and analyze interference to establish phase-1 networks. Then, engineers go out in the field and collect measurements to see if the model is accurate. Planet then plots that data and reveals the expected performance of your network.

Optimum Site Location

Each site is considered in the context of other sites being acquired or planned for both coverage and microwave backhaul and the need to predict the power flux density from the site and check that this falls within regulator limits both close to the site and in adjacent territories and networks.

Once the outline plan has been developed, Planet can perform a check to confirm that the business plan targets are on track and this information can be utilized by the marketing department to target selling activities. This would be done by comparing the cost of site build with the revenue generated by the subscriber profile.

Deliverables at various stages of a cellular planning project would include the following:

· Coverage plots showing where on the ground the objective coverage had been achieved.

· Statements of traffic carrying capacity, the blocking of calls, data throughput and latency.

· Frequency plans and statements of interference limited coverage.

· Statements of compliance against regulators exported interference limits.

· Specifications for site build including site location, support structure height, antenna design and how the site will connect and backhaul into the rest of the bearer network.

· Network Optimization

Here the objectives are re-visited and the results of the perceived quality field survey are used to determine where in reality failings occur. From this gap analysis, using Planet, the planners can determine the real reason for the shortfall. Given several standard and some non-standard corrective actions, changes are made to the network design to achieve the required performance. Optimization also has a place in responding to growth that was not foreseen and here the pattern of work would be similar but the objectives would be updated to show the real subscriber demand.

RF Planning involves Cell Planning, Frequency Planning, Coverage interference prediction, Co-Channel Interference Prediction and Optimization. It requires knowledge of the network database parameters, timers, study and analysis of performance statistics before finally deciding the course of action. We have the expertise to solve the network quality problems. Optimization means analyzing a host of issues like sub-optimal database parameters, undesirable handover sequences, unbalanced paging, location update, signaling loads and island effects. RF Planning involves:

· Propagation Modeling

· Nominal Cell Plan based on agreed technical specifications

· Frequency Planning

· Support on technical issues relating to spectrum allocation

· Network Optimization

· Coverage Optimization

· Database Parameters/Timers Tuning

· Frequency Planning

· Neighbor List/BSIC Plan

· GoS Improvement (Call Success Rate)

· Call Drop Rate Reduction

Added after 1 minutes:

Re: what is rf planning

I have experince and working knowledge in NSS(MSS,HLR) , OSS and and on application side in Mobile VAS like etop-ups , Content Management , and messeging , signaling and college level with BSS[BTS and BSC] domain so I am taking up now BSS to touch upon and gain and expand my domain

Any suggestions
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