what do i need to make a motor timer/controller?

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ive edited the paintbrush diagram with hopefully a working circuit.

tell me if it looking ok.


tell me if it looking ok.
Yes, looks fine. Perhaps 100Ω .. 1kΩ resistors in front of the MOSFET gates (decreases the danger of oscillation during switching).

Put the 10kΩ resistor between the footpoint connection of the 100kΩ trimmer and pins 6 & 2 (or between its top-point connection and pin 3). This should limit the total resistance adjustment range to a min. of 10kΩ, just to get a decent timing adjustment range of ≈ 1:10 .

thanks again eriki

ive edited it with resistors, capacitors and added the 100kΩ trimmer though i dont know where connection 2 on the trimmer should go?

comment please


i dont know where connection 2 on the trimmer should go?
Connect it to the counter-clock-wise (CCW) end of the trimmer (probably pin 3) in order to get longer times when rotating the trimmer screw CW.

  • Remove the connection between "-" (earth) and +12V at the upper left corner -- it's a short circuit of your power supply ;-)
  • Exchange the pin numbers 8 & 4 of the 555 : pin 4 has to be connected to "-" , pin 8 to +12V
  • Replace the 100kΩ resistor between +12V and pin 16 of CD4017 by 10kΩ and put the "+" connection of the 100µF elCo to this pin 16 , its "-" connection stays at earth
  • Connect both pins 8 & 13 to earth
as 8 relays are needed pin 15 should be connected to pin 6?
Right. Or use the CD4022B, which has only 8 outputs and repeats without this reset connection.
But beware: different pin connections!

Good luck!

Right. Or use the CD4022B, which has only 8 outputs and repeats without this reset connection.
But beware: different pin connections!

so as it is it will go through the sequence then off? if so thats perfect as i ideally i want it to stop at the end of the sequence. then press to start again.

ive made the changes inc moving the 100µF elCo to pin 16 if that is correct?


is this a different version of the diagram ive edited or the same but with corrections done?

ive edited this one with the things im trying to fully understand.

seems the timer chip is wired up quite different from my edited diagram. will both options work?


Right. Or use the CD4022B, which has only 8 outputs and repeats without this reset connection.

so as it is it will go through the sequence then off? if so thats perfect as i ideally i want it to stop at the end of the sequence. then press to start again.
No, it repeats the 1..8 series, as mentioned above. To stop it at the end and restart it by a switch, you'll need additional circuitry.

ive made the changes inc moving the 100µF elCo to pin 16 if that is correct?
View attachment 62175

Yep, that's correct. But I've told you a wrong connection, sorry! Pin 4 of the 555 timer (the RESET/ pin) has to be connected to +12V, too, s. kak111's sequencer schematic above!
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so Q1 should be swapped out with M1?

Q1 controls relay RE1
RE1 contacts drives motor M1
There is 8 pcs similar transistor / relay circuits

In post #27
You can see circuit version with MosFet / Motor
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added a relay in a way i could understand, if ive done it correct?

so from r4 - r11 they would each need Q1 , D2 and RE ?

View attachment 62206
so from r4 - r11 they would each need Q1 , D2 and RE ?

Yes, in which RE would be your motor(s) -- no relay(s) necessary.
If you use MOSFETs IRF540 instead of Q1..8, your motors would be instead of the relay coils 85-86 .

And beware: the IC2 pin numbers refer to 4022 -- different from 4017 !

kak111's Stop/Run & Reset suggestion works manually: Push (and keep) Reset, then switch from Stop to Run, then release the Reset push-button: the sequence starts and repeats until you switch to Stop. With your long cycle times, this should work.

An automatic stop after a single 8-sequence would need some more circuitry, I guess 1 flip-flop and 1 or a few gates.
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I guess 1 flip-flop and 1 or a few gates

so if it were possible to make it stop at the end of the sequence then there would also be no need for the stop/run switch as then just the reset would be needed?
how could i go about this flip flop thing?

Yes, in which RE would be your motor(s) -- no relay(s) necessary.
If you use MOSFETs IRF540 instead of Q1..8, your motors would be instead of the relay coils 85-86 .

i like the relays really as then i have an option of using dpst type relays.

beware: the IC2 pin numbers refer to 4022 -- different from 4017 !

this is the chip that avoids wiring two pins together for the reset,right?

so if it were possible to make it stop at the end of the sequence then there would also be no need for the stop/run switch as then just the reset would be needed?
how could i go about this flip flop thing?
You'll need the space for one or two more ICs. Give me a few hours, perhaps one day, if you want this.

i like the relays really as then i have an option of using dpst type relays.
Yes, why not. And you can use the smaller and cheaper transistors instead of the MOSFETs.

this is the chip (4022) that avoids wiring two pins together for the reset,right?
Yes, it's an octal counter, so it repeats the 8-sequence automatically, without involving the reset. But then you can't extend the control sequence up to 10 motors!
Here is the dataSheet for both: View attachment CD4017B_CD4022B.pdf, cf. p. 5 .
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Yes, it's an octal counter, so it repeats the 8-sequence automatically, without involving the reset. But then you can't extend the control sequence up to 10 motors!
but is the 4017 ore versatile than the 4022 in that if i want to cut the 4022 down to 6 relays does it allow it or just 8?

i was thinking of using DPST reed relay 12v coil as i have lots of these and it suits my need of completely disconnecting power from the motor as im planning to make two of these circuits one for sending the motors one direction and one to send it back for the same distance/time.
so on power up on one circuit it will do the sequence one way until stop then power up on the other circuit will reverse to whole procedure.
if that makes sense?

Corrections to your attached picture in post #34

Fix following errors in schematic..........
1. Relay contact pin 87 must connect to +12Vdc supply connector
- NOT behind D1 and R5
- D1, R5, C2 and C3 are protective and filter elements for IC´s supply voltage

2. Add transient diode parallel to motor
OR snubber (spark killer-) circuit parallel to relay contacts 87-30

look these..........
**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

thanks ive moved it-

i´ll be using diode protected double pole Reed Relay, which is what i think you mean i need to use. not the reed part but that they are diode protected.

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