what device to contol flow of water in musical fountain

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Member level 3
Aug 10, 2009
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Dear all,
i want to make a musical fountain .Please suggest the device which will control on off and flow control of water.

u can use simply a motor controller
or even a solinoid valve
singhania12 said:
u can use simply a motor controller
Controlling the motor/ pump will affect the whole fountain as usually the full fountain uses single pump to fetch water.

anan1975 said:
Please suggest the device which will control on off and flow control of water. Anand

The flow of water is controlled by swicthing various solenoids through a microcontroller connected to a musical device or a PC interface

hi, the solonoid valve will switch on/off the water flow. But how to control flow which will effect the height of the water induvidually from the nosel.
regards Anand.
To vary the pressure of water, for one section, you may connect a dedicated pump to that section and control that particular motor's speed accordingly as "singhania12" has mentioned. But if your fountain is using only one pump for the full fountain, you cannot do that.
Most pumps are ac driven so if you were to have many pumps, it would be very complex, you'd have to have a whole heap of variable frequency inverters. What is the scale of the fountain you are working on?

Many washing machine valves are now proportional and take a PWM input - however their PWM range is quite limited - they will deliver proportional quantities of water. Ring your local appliance parts shop, and ask for a proportional cold water washing machine valve.

If that's the correct size good luck! It will take some experimenting / work to get the PWM freq and duty right for them to work properly. I can measure the pwm output on my washing machine if you really want me to.

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