Re: Question on Waveguide
The requested WG type for your needs is the WR28.
The choiche for a waveguide istead other type of tx lines, due to the very low attenuation, call for high power too.
Generally, if you carry high power a vaweguide is a must. Often, for very high power, to reduce the risk of arc spark inside, special gas filled waveguide are used.
The attenuation is due to metal conductivity, surface roughness, and the mode.
Usual rectangular waveguide are exited on TE10 mode, but for exoctic application, where loss is important, surmoded (read larger) waveguide are used.
VSWR is generally lower in waveguide rather coax. For coax domain a 20 dB Return Loss is generally accepted as "good", in waveguide domain, 30 dB is "common" and 40 dB is "good".