Re: what are the new frequencies that people are trying to u
Thanks for all the replies. After discuss with my advisor, I got some options. One is to improve something that already done, like design a tri-band VCO for GSM/Bluetooth with extremely low power. Second one is to design a distributed VCO above 10GHz. Last one is to design a ultra wide band VCO (quote: 2GHz to 20GHz). I have been told that I should use CMOS or SiGe technology for all of those choices.
Actually, I already got a 3GHz VCO with 26% tuning range by using TSMC 0.35um. I think change the structure of varactor should be able to boost the tuning range. I read some papers about the three-terminals varactor and they said that varactor can achieve very wide tuning range, eg. 100%. So I think flatulent's suggestion seems the easiest way for me to do it. However, my advisor don't want that kind of VCO. He wants 1. dual band or tri-band, 2. very high frequency (by using CMOS), 3. ultra wide band.
Any suggestion, again?