What are the MS fields related to Electronics?

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Re: higher studies

I am Master in Electronics option ICT

Re: higher studies

Electronics undergraduate students have a large number of possibilities for higher studies. For example, there is circuit design, which may be Analog, Digital VLSI, Wireless circuits, Microwave Circuits. Then there are possibilities of doing studies in Device Physics, Eletromagnetism, Communications, Digital Signal Processing, Neworking, etc.

Re: higher studies

i m doing M.Sc. Electrical Engg with specialization in Electronic and Communication

higher studies

best is to go in the field of embedded systems or vlsi.
I2IT pune is providing ms in microelectronocs

Re: higher studies

Am doing my masters degree in microelectronics..
There r some other specializations..like power electronics,embedded systems,DSP etc..

Re: higher studies

check out CDAC, Pune.. it offers excellent courses in this aspect

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