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What are the minimal hardware specifications for NS2?

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Newbie level 1
Newbie level 1
Oct 10, 2006
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HI! nice to meet you.

I'm a beginner about NS2 , the network simulator.

I wanna install NS2. However, I don't konw minimal-

H/W specification (cpu, ram, etc...) for it.

How about your machine?

H/W spec. for NS2.

any system that can run a 2.4 or above linux, I'ld say a p3 with 64 ram and about 300M of free space.
But to be able to do simulations with out going crazy a P4 with a minimum of 128MB ram, and a home partition with a minimum 1GB of free space, and a nix OS like Linux (I don't like other unixes for the i32 and amd64)

Re: H/W spec. for NS2.

Is it necessary to have a Linux platform for running NS2 or can it run on Windows also?


Kashif Saleem Mirza

H/W spec. for NS2.

You can run ns2 on windows, there is a binary available, but the real problem is nam which uses the X-Server for display, a workaround is to use cygwin and a cygwin port of ns-2 and nam, but cygwin is just too slow and useless for real simulations.
Actualy you can run ns-2 on any platform that runs under the X-server and has a version of gcc ported (Linux, Solaris, Unix, Trux, HPUX, Darvin, even Mac-OSX (not the old Mac but the new Unix based version)), ant that's almost every system except Windows (not counting cygwin which is a Unix port runing under Windows).

Re: H/W spec. for NS2.

That means, I need to install MAC-OSX or Windows Server to run NS2.
AM I right???


Kashif Saleem Mirza

H/W spec. for NS2.

That means, I need to install MAC-OSX or Windows Server to run NS2.
AM I right???
No. It means that ns-2 can be built under Mac OSX if you have gcc and all the necessary libraries (this can be a pain as OSX is a UNIX system but a tweaked one and doesn't come with all the needed components).
There is no need for windows server ns-2 can run under XP,2000 etc but to run it under Windows you'ld need to have cygwin installed. More about cygwin here:
And because of what cygwin is this is a suboptimal solution.
For most users the best platform to run ns-2 is a Linux distribution (I prefer SUSE but this is a personal preference). If you have an alpha Sparc or HP-UX machine at your disposal these would be better :)
Not to get all the buntu fans upset but if you don't have broadband none of the ubuntu's can be used because the don't come with the needed components for building ns-2, this is true for all minimalistic linuxes

Added after 8 minutes:

Almost forgot if you have a powerful enough machine you can use a Linux system installed in a virtual machine like M$-Virtual PC or VM-Ware, but again this is a suboptimal solution.

Added after 5 minutes:

And the X-server or X-Free is a peace of software built for Unix machines witch provides Graphical support, it's similar in use like the windows GDI.dll
The name server means that the X-server provides a GUI for a lot of applications, you don't need a server OS to run the X-server.

Re: H/W spec. for NS2.

Well, that is a better solution. I have VM-Ware installed on my machine and that is the most optimal solution i have.

But as you said that this is an optimal solution. Every one has its own choice.


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