What are the methods for signal compression?

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Jul 14, 2007
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I want to know from you about all the methods of signals compression that you know. I'm wondered in both compression with information losses and without them. If you are aware of any method, please, let me know.

With respect,


Re: Signals compression

1 . Singular value decomposition its very old and basic mathod (lossy)
2 . The JPEG standard for still imagery uses a discrete cosine transform (DCT) scheme with scalar quantization combined with lossless coding and achieves reasonable quality with 16:1 compression.
3. H.261 standard (popularly referred to as p64).
4. AC-3 multichannel audio compression algorithm.
6. current code-excited linear-predictive (CELP) international speech compression

for details about this u can google it, sorry if it not useful

Re: Signals compression

For pictures, I have heard about fractal compression. Somehow reduces the picture to a small basis plus a method to iteratively reproduce the picture.


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Signals compression

if any body have book on video compression for (H.263/Mpeg2) then kindly share it.

Re: Signals compression

Dear nagacnu!!!

Thank you for replying to my question. However, the majority of the mentioned tecqniques refer closely to image compression, whereas I'm looking for methods of signals compression. If it's possible specify the ones, applied to signals.

Concerning Singular value decomposition, it's a principally new and unexplored method of Adaptive Signal Processing. I'm studying this branch of DSP now, and besides SVD, EMD (Empirical mode decomposition) is also included here. My question is:

How do you intend to compress signals with Singular Value Decomposition? . And besides, if you know any content links on this topic, provide me wuth them, please.

With respect,


Re: Signals compression

i studied adaptive signal processing during my masters in sweden
here is course webpage you can find some use full information
**broken link removed**
you can find fair information regarding SVD
Monson H. Hayes
Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling

i used svd for image compression and for finding inverse during my courses sound and vibration , adaptive signal processing its almost 2 years back and now i am working in software side , so i cant find time to explore the things , so i am not sure if we can use it for single dimentional signal compression like audio or not .
all the usefull links are in this page :h**p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition


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