What are the differences between p and n type mosfets?

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Full Member level 4
Feb 2, 2005
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hi there, is there any good tutorials to learn about mosfets? mosfet are divided into p type mosfet and n type mosfet? what is the differences between p and n type mosfet with the depletion type and enhancement type mosfet?

thank you

n type mosfet

Some one acutally started a post regarding mosfet on the analog circuits board:

A lot of useful information posted there.

It would be really good if you read this first:

To answer your question,
n type mosfet, which is usually called nmos,
lies on a P type substrate. When its turned on,
the conducting channel if formed by an inversion layer of electrons, which connects 2 n-type places.

p type mosfet, is called pmos. It lies on N type substrate. When its turned on, the conducting channel is formed by "holes". and it connects 2 p-type places.

The depletion region is formed between the n and p type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depletion_region

Hope that helps.

difference between n-type and p-type mosfet

the following doc gives basic understanding.

u get lot of info on net search google.

n-type mosfet

n-mosfet is most frequently used than p mosfet since former is having high mobility which leads to several advantages

p-mosfet wiki

Pmos as name indicates uses holes as carries for operation and we need to apply -ve voltage so that holes will attract and form a layer for conduction..so its Vt is -ve..........for NMOS we will apply +ve volt and carriers are electrons...

mosfet wiki

the book microelectronics by sedra and smith gives and excellent comparative analysis between these devices..

you'll develop a hight level of clarity if you go through that..


difference between n-type and p-type mosfets

you may consult following book

electronics devices and circuit theory

In chapter 6...u will find very easy to understand text on FET's..

hope that answers the question

p mosfet wiki

p typr mosfets have n channel and n ype have p channel in them
basic diff is the applied voltage levels.

i suggest u to better consult electronic devices and circuit theory by bolysted.
ch 6
u will find answer to all yr questions


difference between n mosfet and p mosfet

electronics_kumar said:
n-mosfet is most frequently used than p mosfet since former is having high mobility which leads to several advantages

Not always... In diff-amp circuits, if there is no headroom wrt the available VDD, most of the time it'll be pmos which'll used as input transistors. You can add to it the current mirror circuitry... there you are, more pmos than nmos...

Of course, I agree with you in that pmos devices are inherently slower than the nmos counterparts..

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