old nec microcontrollers
Nec 78k0 microcontrollers are a complete solution, integrating 10bit ADC (8 lines), several serial interfaces (expecially UART with high accurate baud rate generator) and high availability of RAM and ROM, for an 8bit microcontroller.
It is very simple to be programmed (like 8051, it uses cisc architecture) and Nec give you the possibility to use an old version of I@R embedded workbench environment (with ANSI-C compiler).
78F0078 is quite expensive (in Italy about 5,10 EUR). 78F0058 is less expensive (about 4,60 EUR) but is in 80pin package (78f0078 is 64pin). Both micros have 2kbyte SRAM and 60kbyte FLASH.
If 32K FLASH and 1K RAM are sufficient, you can use 78F0034 (which costs about 4,10 EUR).
The prices above are for about 100 pcs.
Take care that Nec have just introduced the new KLINE family, which is very similar but faster to be programmed (78F00xx require about 30 seconds to be re-programmed).
If you need the Nec programmer, I've made a simple one which should be connected to a standard parallel port, and work with Windows and GNU/Linux. All schematics, layout and PC program are available free of charge on
https://www.creasol.it/equipment .
Regards. Paolo