What application uses Rail-to-Rail Op Amp?

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Newbie level 5
Feb 1, 2017
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What application that use Rail-to-Rail Op Amp ?

h guys, what application that use rail-to-rail op amp ?
thank you =)

Re: What application that use Rail-to-Rail Op Amp ?

Um, an application where you need the input and/or output to go to the rail...

Re: What application that use Rail-to-Rail Op Amp ?

This question reminds me of a saying by the late Jim Williams, of Linear Technologies fame, which had a quick mind and somewhat sarcastic humor:

Jim: "On a given circuit, there are only three parameters that matter in an op-amp."

Public: "And which are those parameters?"

Jim: "It depends on your application."

Behind what on the surface appears to be a Homer Simpson-stupid response, it actually holds a key truth: the actual way that an opamp is expected to operate in a circuit, will determine exactly which opamp parameters one must be concerned with.

For the OP's benefit, the R-2-R opamps are mostly used where only a single low voltage supply (i.e. +5v or even lower) is available.
Re: What application that use Rail-to-Rail Op Amp ?

An application that comes to mind is high side current sensing, where the inputs have to go to the rail.

Re: What application that use Rail-to-Rail Op Amp ?

Or an application where you're driving an NPN or PNP that may need to be completely shut off.

Or current sensing as mentioned where's shunt is on the rail.

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