Yes well i discovered the old design is total crap as it functions as a linear resistor.
here is my new design, trying to get into the switching action where the main transistor would squirt electricity into the main capacitor in short bursts, its sorta doing that but still kinda sucks.
I replaced the AC input + rectifier with a dc source for the sake of simplicity for now
D2 is a 60v zener
R7 is a dummy 10 ohm load
R1, R2 is 10k
R8, R3 is 100k
C2 is 10mF
C3 is 500nF
under a virtual oscilloscope it looks like this:
where the blue line is Q4 gate and red line is C2 voltage
right now the "switching" is caused by C3 that delays the gate opening/closing to make it wavy (thinking of better ways of doing that)
as you can see the energy transfer is still being done while the gate is just beginning to open
the other problem is that even if there was enough time, it only opens up to around 160v despite being driven by ~300v which i dont understand why.