What a MUX layer is in networking?

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Newbie level 5
Sep 1, 2005
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Hi All,

Can someone provide information on what a MUX layer is in networking?
Any help is appreciated.


ater mux layer

There is an interdependence between the two layers i.e the driver and the protocol layer of a network driver. VxWorks implements a layer in between the IP and datalink, thus eliminating the interdependence between the two layers. The intermediate layer is known as the MUX layer.

In an ordinary TCP /IP the IP layer is linked to the datalink layer. To implement a new protocol at the IP Layer level, the corresponding driver has to be written or to write a new driver the corresponding protocol has to be taken into account.

MUX is a set of library routines, which decouples the IP layer and the datalink layer. This provides the flexibility and ease in implementing a new network protocol or a network device driver. For implementing a protocol one need not bother about the driver or vice versa. Even a third party protocol can communicate with the MUX.

When an applications wishes to send a packet to the network, the IP layer puts that packet on to the MUX layer rather than sending it to the driver. Similarly when a packet is received, the END puts it on to the MUX.MUX communicates with the IP layer with functions for various services.


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about mux network layer

Mux layer means L4 of the OSI Model "Transport Layer" which one its main operations is Multiplexing port numbers for Applications , as each application has unique port number , so there're souce port number and destination port number , this function of Multiplexing exist regardless u use TCP or UDP .

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