weller EC1002 schematic anyone or layout idea!

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Dec 30, 2001
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weller wes51 schematic

Im trying to fix our neer new EC1002 WES51
iron in the input 24V AC line pin2 (AC wire 2)
goes no were!, cant see signs of a track being there ever!
I do a fair bit servicing, this is almost bizzare!
I thought perhaps a small fuse link wire jumper
no signs of anything! it fizzed then stoped !
these are unnecessarily all surface mount design, what a pig
of a layout, so not made for techs! any help would be greatly

weller ec1002

well i fixed it and the parts are nothing new
the connection problem was well obvious!
(plug around the wrong way) but a schematic would be good!

anyone know!

schematic weller

No mate sorry now the same, principals probably
got a lot of similarity, but definatly different.
not that the parts are special, but tracing the friggn
things the problem. the pcb artwork layouts a real dog. :?

weller ec1002 repair

cyberrat said:
Is this what your after?

Warning #1 - File deleted. Serch elektroda before upload!
**broken link removed**

Actually I had assumed that mypooka had searched the board before asking..

And can the mod that placed this "warning" please identify themselves and the section in the board rules that warrents this warning?
As I Can find no such section.

wes51 italia

first thanks for ther reply siber rat!!
the warning seemed a bit strong!
but thanks for the reply! i did serach the site first.
and did find the one up there, but its not the same
model and failry diferent layout also. O well but thanks
mostly for your reply!

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