weather satelite receiver and decoder

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Apr 2, 2002
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meteosat receiver

i`m curently building a receiver to receive weather satelites pictures.if anyone is interested please post a relpy or email me to exchange opinions.

hrpt receiver

Hi !

When will an 100% Wether Picture must have an verry expensiv Elektronik (2500 Euro)
An auto Dish is needet, for Profi Wetherrecive !
For the first testing recive an Wetherpicture whis low buget ist this a cheep Circuit
For an easy Reciver take this
The Wether Sattelit give 2 russian Sattelit (OKEAN and METEOR)
Recive on 137 MHz.
For the Satellitentracker­Programm take "STS­Plus" for the Kepler Data.
**broken link removed**
For the Antenna take an 1,20 Meter Dish
I hope i can help you ?

Excuse my
My English is not good, i am german



137 mhz receiver

Are you busy with a receiver for APT on 137Mhz or HRPT on 1.7Ghz?

Before you go to too much trouble there are a few 137Mhz receiver designs on the web... There are not too many downconverter designs for 1.7Ghz though (In fact I havent found one...)

137mhz receiver

Hardwarekiller thank you for the links you provided but there are usles.firs of all the receiver if shoud have a 30 khz bandwith and second the link is just an ordinarydownconverter for 50 mhz.

most of the weather receivers use mc 3362 a double IF exchange fm receiver for the pll control they use a so42 or a mc145106(not available in romania ) controled by a pic or by a dide matrix.the hard to find piece is a 455khz filter with a banwith of 30khz made by murata or toko.

Yes i`m now interested in apt reception because the decoder for hrpt is hard to build(fcpga&stuff)

twinsen there are schematics for convertors from 1g to 130m for hrpt
i~v find some but i dont have the links so do a google :wink: search yourself

hrpt decoder

the links for best receivers:
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
and i have the schematics of one of the first wefax receivers presented in tele-satellit by doctor dish but is in pdf version.the schematic has a lot of ci (old times :lol: )

for the dutch receiver build only the receiver section the pll synth can be made more easy with new circuits.just do a google search

weather sat receiver


Now I work in a development of a Meteosat receiver (1.7 GHz) and a software to decoder HPRT (I will use programs found in internet that use a soundcard to decode image).

This receiver will be added a NOAA station (137 MHz) made 3 years ago (but now need a new decoding software). Now, I'm studying use of a Yagi antenna because is cheaper than a parabolic dish.

Project goal is convert 1.7 Ghz to 137 MHz in order to use NOAA station. I've designed a LNA, band pass filter and local oscillator (all with discrete components). Actually I work in a downconverter design, I will decide use a IC or a discrete component (dual gate FET).

137 mhz yagi

very you have a web page or something to show youre the way what ic did you use for the receiver and the bandpas filters are home-made or do you use the toko 30khz bandwith filter


For 137MHz the design is not hard. Signals are strong > -100dBm. I built one with a GasFET LNA and a P/h/i/l/i/p/s FM backend chip and a M/o/t/o synth chip. I used M/u/r/a/t/a cheap ceramic filters (30kHz). With a simple turnstyle antenna, I could copy the satellites if they were at least 15 degrees above the horizon. The W/e/a/t/h/e/r S/a/t/e/l/l/i/t/e H/a/n/b/o/o/k (A/R/R/L) by Dr T/a/g/g/a/r/d is the book you need.

137 khz receiver


In this moment, i dont have any web page to show my project. Finally, I will use IAM91563 from HP, like a mixer. I've implemented LNA with two transistors (GaAs FET Siemens CFH120-08) connected in cascade to achieve a 24 dB gain and a 0.2 dB noise figure.

The oscillator was designed by me, a VCO (connect to ground) with -70 dBc noise phase (this VCO was designed for a MVDS application, and I've profited it for this project).

Band pass filter is CFL455AG2 from Murata.

If you want more information, no doubt to ask me.

weather sat receviers

With Antenna are two options:

A Yagi with 55 elements that provide 20 dB of gain (3 m length), and a yagi with dish like basic element (smaller than 55 element's yagi). Both options are in studying.

I've forgett attach transistors data sheet in last post. They are here:

137 mhz filter

Thanx for all the info I will try to build one of these systems myself.


if circult in weather receiver


I need a progam in Matlab to decote de signal of a noaa satellite. I have a .wav file with the signal and I need the picture. Anyone can help me?.


hrpt receiver decoder

Now I am doing my final year project, design satellie receiver using SA602..can anybody help me or give me a guidance? Im really confusing right now. thank u

weather sat pll

Any good HRPT receivers or decoders on the web? VHDL code?

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