Junior Member level 3

I found from net that Fourier analysis fails when non stationarity is introduced into the signal . When the signal has randomness
say a signal with sinusoidal frequency of 100K for 10ms and then it has a frequency of 50K for next 10ms fourier analysis will show both the frequencies .But i am having a doubt here .
the signal can be viewed as apulsed signal
sin(100hz)*pulse(10ms) + sin(50K)*pulse(time shifed 10ms)
For this the fourier transform will be a sinc function at 100K and an exponentially decaying (decay constant is 10w)SINC at 50K .
Which cuses the problem ? We are using normal fourier analysis for FSK,BPSK which are also of pulsed nature ? how can we employ Wavelet there .What is the signigficance
I found from net that Fourier analysis fails when non stationarity is introduced into the signal . When the signal has randomness
say a signal with sinusoidal frequency of 100K for 10ms and then it has a frequency of 50K for next 10ms fourier analysis will show both the frequencies .But i am having a doubt here .
the signal can be viewed as apulsed signal
sin(100hz)*pulse(10ms) + sin(50K)*pulse(time shifed 10ms)
For this the fourier transform will be a sinc function at 100K and an exponentially decaying (decay constant is 10w)SINC at 50K .
Which cuses the problem ? We are using normal fourier analysis for FSK,BPSK which are also of pulsed nature ? how can we employ Wavelet there .What is the signigficance