Member level 1

I face following problem:
When I run simulation for simple rectangular waveguide in frequency range that includes cutoff frequency, I'm suppose to see the change in S-parameters, that show the cutoff behaviour of the wavegude. My S21 looks ok, but S11 is not showing what I think it should. Below cutoff frequency S11 should be around 0 dB and above it should drop. Am I wright? Can anyone tell me where could be the problem?
I am using transient solver.

I face following problem:
When I run simulation for simple rectangular waveguide in frequency range that includes cutoff frequency, I'm suppose to see the change in S-parameters, that show the cutoff behaviour of the wavegude. My S21 looks ok, but S11 is not showing what I think it should. Below cutoff frequency S11 should be around 0 dB and above it should drop. Am I wright? Can anyone tell me where could be the problem?
I am using transient solver.
