Re: Watt and VA differencw
Watt is used for consumption, while VA is used for Source
Like Transformer, Generator is a source so always measure in VA.
Bulb, Fan, computer are consuming devices we use watt.
So when we will talk about rating of a consuming device, power rating unit is said to be in watts.
and when we will talk about rating of a source, power rating unit used VA.[/QUOTE]
Not at all true. Watts is the energy consumed/produced per second. So any source or device has its rating in watts. But if the source or device is inductive in nature then ,as watts cannot be calculated correctly, the unit in which its capacity is denoted is VA. means voltamperes. which is volts multiplied by amperes. All resistive devices like incandescent bulbs, heaters etc etc are rated in watts, where as inductive devices which have coils in them are rated in voltamperes VA, like ups generators motors etc etc. hope the concept is clear.