Water Physics - trough split -apple transportation

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Aug 13, 2009
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physics of water

I work in an apple processing plant and our apples are transferred from one part of the plant to another through water troughs. I've come to a slight physics problem working on the troughs. I have one large trough splitting into 2 smaller. It has a "Y" shaped split. Even so the apples bunch up right there. There is more than enough space for them to fit through but they just swirl around in the water until there is enough apples behind the split to force the flow. Is there a better shape to make the split other than a "Y" shape? Would a round more "U" shape work better for flow? If I turn up the water pressure it doesn't help. The apples just swirl faster in the split. I turn down the water pressure and it helps a little but the workers complain about not recieving apples fast enough.

water physics

Interesting subject.

Is the trough wide enough to accommodate two apples side by side?
If so you could put a post in the middle of the trough just before the Y split
to "pre-nudge" them into position without creating too big a vortex in the water.

I guess the distance from the post to the split should be less than an apples

Just a shot in the dark...


+log water physics

Well the main trough is large enough for around 10 apples and the two smaller are large enough for 3 in a gridlike pattern.

Re: Water Physics

All right, as it is that wide I think you need some sort of vanes in the flow closer to the split
to break the swirls and maintain a laminar flow in the water.

It is easy to try out at least, just put at sheet of plexiglass in the trough and see what happens.



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Re: Water Physics

This general setup was used about 1955 as a "fluid computer flip flop." You are in an indeterminate state. The fluid computer had side jets which directed the flow into one or the other of the two output branches.

The baffle method mentioned above should work for you.

Water Physics

To keep a laminar flow, the through depth can be continuously reduced in the middle, sufficient before the split.

Water Physics

hi bryan98801
you can just try raising the bottom a bit before the y section begins
that is the depth of the 2 smaller sections must be lesser but they should be lower.
the division must just continue to the main trough
like banking of the roads
hope this helps

Re: Water Physics

This is what I was thinking, although I would not "Raise" the stem of the "Y" but
lower the two Branches of the "Y", right at the y-transistion, by ~ 1 apples height.
The gravity would most likely keep the apples moving.

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