Wat is the HSPICE software ... how it ll be used

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 20, 2013
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Hi all ,

Wat is the purpose of using HSPICE software.. How it is varied from other softwares..

How the program being written in HSPICE software..

pls explain...

Thanks in advance ...

It is a circuit simulation tool... it provides accurate results via simulation.. Hspice, like T-spice can generate code on its own when you are designing the circuit on the simulation editor.. Only advantage is it can provide output power and other specifications accurately.. Go through the user manual while designing the circuit using H-spice.. It has some additional options compared to T-spice.

to analyze steady state, transient and frequency response of a circuit.
it is different than other electrical analysis software as it involves coding...
you can find a loot of online tutorials for example... HERE is an example.

ok fine thank u.. the coding format is like languages or circuits ?

for example a simple inverter has been designed by HSPICE means how can i design ?

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whether i have to give the cmos diagram rite ?

spice is a transistor simulator. So you need to built a circuit via text file or via schematic editor to generate this text file to then simulate it with a spice engine, and you need some stimulus.

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