I'm also working on this cv32e40p core recently and having the exact same problem with you. Did you figure out how to solve this?
I replaced these two lines with the following lines. It gives me no warning messages, but I am not sure if this is the best solution.
set f [all_inputs]
set a [get_ports $all_clock_ports]
set b [get_ports $obi_input_ports]
set c [get_ports $irq_input_ports]
set d [get_ports $early_input_ports]
set a_b [add_to_coll $a $b]
set abc [add_to_coll $a_b $c]
set abcd [add_to_coll $abc $d]
set all_other_input_ports [remove_from_coll $f $abcd]
set q [all_outputs]
set m [get_ports $all_clock_ports]
set n [get_ports $obi_output_ports]
set o [get_ports $sleep_output_ports]
set p [get_ports $irq_output_ports]
set m_n [add_to_coll $m $n]
set mno [add_to_coll $m_n $o]
set mnop [add_to_coll $mno $p]
set all_other_output_ports [remove_from_coll $q $mnop]