I understand RH7.2 is the best platform for most EDA tools, however I have lost the disks and cannot find it now. Do you know where can I download it now?
When I install !C5.0 for the first time, I did not have this problem. However, my system was coorupt and I re-installed it. I get warning now.
[user@localhost user]$ icfb Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
\w X Toolkit Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfMenuBar
Same thing, add the following settings... :wink:
setenv XNLSPATH $cds_root/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/nls
setenv XKEYSYMDB $cds_root/share/cdssetup/tdmX11/XKeysymDB
lcg22 said:
SeanC said:
It should be an xkeysymdb problem. Check your X11 settings.