Want to run Linux in Window OS

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Sep 6, 2006
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If I want to run Linux(red hat) in Window OS environment, what can I do?

cadence vmware linux

Install VMware

eugenehhk said:
If I want to run Linux(red hat) in Window OS environment, what can I do?

If you just want to learn about Linux or run some Linux programs, you can install Cygwin or MingGW. But if you want to test Linux, you must install VMWare or create a dual OS system in your PC.

But I recommend you to use Ubuntu for Linux Distro...

Use one of the Vmware appliances that are available for free download. Installing linux on Vmware is easy but the appliances are easier.

BTW, an vmware appliance is a prepackaged OS, choose the one you like

**broken link removed**

Very useful tools is CoLinux (Cooperative Linux) http://www.colinux.org
I test Cadence software in CoLinux under win2k. I think CoLinux is more fast then VmWare

HI, you can make unpartitioned space on your hard drive to setup the linux
you can make your machine dual boot or you VMware as said before
In case of simulation tools running like Mentor tools or Cadence tools VMware is not preferred as it needs large space from the Ram
best regards,

Other tool: Innotek Virtualbox ... however VMWare is the leading app
If you are MS minded, Virtual PC 2007 ??

and also you can use LiveCD.....
you don't need to install a linux distro just put the liveCD in your drive and enjoy linux.........................

Live CDs like knopix are a solution however tools installation on Linux will be not possible.

I think Vmware is your best choice, I have installed RHEL as4,Calibre,Hspice,IC5141,Soc42 in, all of the software work very well, and what's more I relly like it is that if you upgrade your hardware, you don't have to change anything. As my test, the performance of software running in Vmware is about 80% of running in real system.

VMware is a good choice. But you'd better install dual boot.

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