want to build DS 1307 clock+adjustment button+7-segment display

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Junior Member level 3
May 20, 2011
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i want to build highly accurate DS 1307 clock+adjustment button+7-segment display. as i am beginner.please help me with useful links so that i can build it easily

mr. abid .thanks .ur links are really helpful. but as a learner i want to learn how to code to build a clock.hex file is not satisfying me as i want to learn about coding of rtc clock.

You are welcome.

This is good that you want to learn programming yourself, there are two paths to learning how to use RTC1307
One is assembly which I used in this project.
The other is C.
For C again there are few choices, if you don't want to define lot of functions and are comfortable with built in functions then Mikro C would be a good choice.
If you want to improve your C, but still need some built in functions then CCS is among the best choices.
But if you want to write the code entirely then Hitech C would be the choice.

My experience with MikroC is limited, but for CCS and Hitech there are drivers available for DS1307, floating around on different forums.
I'll see if I find time to browse through my projects, then I'll post the codes which I wrote for DS1307 both in CCS and Hitech.

mr.abid.oooo i see.nice suggestion.ok please tell me between mikroC & ccsC which compiler will be best for coding within a few lines and have very rich library for most of the various peripherals(enough and sufficient for whole life)?and explain why??? how to start learning that compiler effectively? any tutorial or helpful link? hope u will answer all of them.

CCS and Mikro C, both of them can serve the purpose. Both have rich libraries and excellent online forums.
Which one is better? it is individual choice and preference.
For learning any or both of them, let google guide you.
Both have their own forums and sample code section, and rich manuals.

Choose which ever suits your needs.

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