Hi TrickyDicky,
Here the thing is that i have a VCO module which is in VHDL AMS, so here the delay generation is from the VIN (Voltage input to the VCO) which is a real type. So when we are generating the delay from the VIN that became real. But when i am using the WAIT FOR statement i need the delay in type TIME. For real to time we can solve by multiplying with 1ns to the delay element.
Like this
clk <= '0';
wait for delay * 1 ns;
clk <= '1';
wait for delay * 1 ns;
end process;
but the thing is that here the VCO is instantiate inside a Verilog AMS module (TOP Module), here the timescale is taken as 1ns/100ps.
Here i am confuse with the use of multiplication factor whether it is 1ns, 1ps, etc,.
Here which one i chose the multiplication factor for delay