Hi ,
I am quite new to Altera (Xilinx /Actel guy up to date) and I am trying to simulate an Altera NCO IP with frequency modulation input to see its frequency resolution performance.
I wrote the following .do file:
# Compile sources & test
vcom -work work -nologo -novopt NCO_CORDIC.vho
vcom -work work -nologo tb_dds_cordic.vhd
# Start simulator
vsim {work.tb_dds_cordic(test)} \
+notimingchecks \
-novopt \
-t ps \
add log -r *
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
run 0.0 ns;
set StdArithNoWarnings 0
do wave_dds_chirp.do
run 50000 us;
I am running Modelsim 6.5b PE . When I run the simulation , the two files compile but I get the error: ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'C:\FPGA\DDS\work. '. But in the work folder there are the .dbs , .dat files (output of the compile process). What 's going on here?