I have Voltcraft NPI 2000-12 power inverter, i'v got it described as not working at all without any information about how it goes bad.
I suspect connecting to reverse polarity, because some of filtering capacitors are cooked.
After applying power from my bench PSU i can hear constant beep , no matter if switch is to OFF / ON / REMOTE.
No LED turn ON at front panel.
On power PCB i found exploded 3 capacitors C8 C7 C6 there are at input stage, looks like filtering 12V.
I removed them from circuit.
Fuses are OK, not blown.
Trace between C1 - C5 was melted (input stage, looks like power filtering caps) i fix that.
I checked all transistors at heatsink, i un-soldered them and make external test (every separated) one by one - everything looks good.
I checked D1 at begining.
Powered from 13V take around 0.01A to make this constant beep - nothing more.
Does anyone could help me ?
Here how it's looks like:
Tomorrow i will try take pictures.
I have similar but 1000W, internal controller pcb look similar, maybe i could swap and make test but im not sure because it's quite expensive.