Do you mean how to make an ADC ? (analog digital converter)
Or how to convert an analog signal that is 20 uV to 100 uV for instance to 0-5V ?
Like KerimF allready wrote, you need to define first your demands.
Then convert the analog signal to usefull levels (amplify, shift, attenuate, invert etc)
Then you need someting that converts that signal in digital information.
You can do that by converting a voltage in to time of frequency and make or just buy an ADC for that.
Look for VF converters, or for instance dual slope ADCs, they are fun to build as an experiment.
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Do you mean how to make an ADC ? (analog digital converter)
Or how to convert an analog signal that is 20 uV to 100 uV for instance to 0-5V ?
Like KerimF allready wrote, you need to define first your demands.
Then convert the analog signal to usefull levels (amplify, shift, attenuate, invert etc)
Then you need someting that converts that signal in digital information.
You can do that by converting a voltage in to time of frequency and make or just buy an ADC for that.
Look for VF converters, or for instance dual slope ADCs, they are fun to build as an experiment.