reflection voltage
Way you help!
That IS the formula for voltage reflection coefficient
ρ= (Zl-Z0)/(Zl+Z0)
The relection coeficient is a complex number. In other words, if you send a signal down a transmission line towards a load, the reflected signal has a magnitude and a phase angle.
If it is a passive load, the magnitude of the reflection coefficient is always less than unity. That is because a passive load can not "amplifiy' the reflected signal.
But the phase angle can be anything, from 0 to 360 degrees.
If the load is a short circuit, and transmission line is 50 ohms, Zl=0, so ρ = (0 - 50)/(0 + 50) = -1, or a magnitude of 1 and a phase angle of -180 degrees.
If the load is an ideal capacitor, the load impedance is Zl = 1/( j 2ΠfC), or in other words the load is purely imaginary. You use the same reflection coefficient equation as above, and find that the magnitude is still unity, but the phase angle is some negative number that is between 0 and -180 degrees.
So, in general, if the reflection coefficient ρ is real and positive, the load impedance is purely real and greater than or equal to 50 ohms.
If ρ is real and negative, the load impedance is purely real and less than of equal to 50 ohms.
If ρ is complex, the load is some combination of real resistance and reactance.
It helps to play around with a SMITH CHART to understand some of these concepts.