voltage controller for temperature sensor

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Yjia Choong

Newbie level 2
Oct 24, 2013
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I'm doing a hardware-based project to control the temperature sensor by voltage. However, I was told that I'm not supposed to used micro-controller or any other components related to coding. I'm not understand much about hardware. What components i should used to control the voltage output of temperature sensor. (timer? logic gate? adc?) Any ideas? or do u have any reading material regarding this?

Ah, good ol' analog electronics - everything's better with analog

The 'classic' ways of implementing temperature controllers without a micro is either a fully-fledged feedback (PI - possibly D) controller, or a simple 'bang-bang' (i.e. the heater being controlled is either ON or OFF) controller based around a comparator. The latter is more forgiving of system quirks such as time delays, variable thermal loads etc at the expense of poorer regulation and is also much easier to implement - one op amp and a power switch (FET/BJT) are typically the only semiconductors needed.

Google around for "comparator temperature controller" or similar and you'll turn up all sorts of useful (?) leads such as https://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/motor_light/003/. For better background material, I'd recommend Horowitz and Hill's "The Art of Electronics" as a good start.

Hi Sir,
Thank you so much for your information. Ya, now i have better understanding and have a basic idea to build it. Have a nice day.

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