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Voltage and current monitoring Through LAN connector


Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Apr 5, 2024
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I'm working on a power supply, AC-DC convertor, there are 2 modules in it main and standby. Block diagram is shown the attached image.
I need to provide monitoring through LAN using LXI protocol.
I want to use PIC microcontroller with ethernet module. The circuit to with interconnection of PIC and a single Ethernet module is developed and tested.
What i want to do is to connect 2 ethernet module that can work independently of each other with the same micro controller.


There is a description about the situation... but I see no description of a problem.
There also is no clear question.

So I have to ask: What do you expect us to do?

Besides this:
May I ask why you need two physical ethernet modules?

May I ask why you need two physical ethernet modules?
I need to provide 2 independent ethernet connectors one for main and one for standby module. (Both have different auxiliary power supply working independently).

What do you expect us to do?
I don't have any idea how can i connect 2 ethernet module with one microcontroller, how the circuit will look.

What i need is the help in selecting the components and designing of circuit.


  • Untitled.png
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I don´t understand the sketch.
What do the lines/arrows show? Power supply / or data?
The PIC is missing totally. Shouldn´t it be the central element?

What is this mystic "ethernet module"?
* something you buy/bought? give a link to it´s datasheet.
* you design it?
* is there a bus/backplane where you can connect/disconnet these modules?

Also you say the ethernet modules are powered independently..... but both are connected to the same PIC?
What is the communication interface beween PIC and ethernet module? (most important to answer)
What is your idea? In case one ethernet module is not powered .. it makes no sense to communicate with it.
But .. then I ask: why would one power the one module but not the other one... I don´t understand the idea. Ethernet wise they are galvanically isolated anyways.

Indeed I don´t understand why there are two ethernet modules at all.
For me ... if there is a s single PIC ... then you usually have a single ethernet module.
(You usually have two ethernet modules if there are two independent ethernet nets. Like one for intranet, one for internet)


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