Volt & Ammeter with TLC549 and PIC

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Nov 29, 2003
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pic ammeter

How do I use two TLC549 with a PIC and a 2x24 LCD to measure voltage and current or a two channels A/D converter with 2x24 LCD PIC interface?


Fernando - Call sign PU2PLL


Why not use a PIC with built in ADC ?

Like 16F876, 16F877 they are cheap and you do not need external ADC's.

TLC549 has "only" 8 bits resolution while most PIC's have 10

You can also find many design notes how to use LCD, ADC and many other peripherals with a PIC.

Just browse the Microchip website at


best regards

pic ampermeter

Hi .. did you use ac or dc voltage . There are many resource for measure volt and amp. try www.circuitcellar.com/pastissues/ articles/May96/rick-96.pdf for example. It easier to measure DC voltage and current. For DC you could used voltage devider circuit to make a good ratio of volt level to feed to ADC and for current you can use shunt and measure volt across shunt using instrument op-amp or with 3 op-amp methode to amplify voltage across shunt and feed it to ADC. I think PIC 16F877A is good enough. I have build a computer powersupply tester and monitor and use this methode. It work great and quite precision. I use AVR ATMega 16 but PIC16F877A could do the same job.

ammeter pic

The reason is that I'll need to buy this PIC and already have five TLC549 and a PIC16F628 (16F84 brand new big brother) so if someone have this project I can spend my money with other side of the PSU like a laboratory grade controller circuit!!


Fernando - PU2PLL

pic amp meter

This site may help you:

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tlc 549

This is a good tutorial: **broken link removed**
There is a lot of info about design ADC circuits and interfacing ADC to PIC.
dc ampermeter by avr

Try this link
Its a Temperature controller using the PIC16F84a and a TLC549

**broken link removed**

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