vlsi chip designing........

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 20, 2013
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Hi guys ,

Can any one tell how can i compare a register of 4 bits value with a predefined value for example 0100.

i want to count the number of pulses in the posedge of the clock pulse and i have to check that value with 0100 . after that i want to plot the input as output. But it compares and prints wen the condition satisfied it cant check after the counting end.

Pls give me suggestions. I am in a hurry.

I believe you can use a 4 bit comparator. One input will be from your register and other input will be hardwired to the comparator.
You can then use a 4 bit mux that will have your I/P as one of the input other can be high impedance or any other value as per your wish.
The select line can be driven from the comparator output.

Thank you for ur reply..
But i want to compare after the counter reset not while running time of the counter . For that wat i have to do ?

Pls suggest me....

What do you mean by counter reset? Does it mean rollover from 1111 to 0000 or you mean after applying some external signal?

after the counter reset ... 1111 to 0000 only i want to compare....

And also i want to know abt the if loop

Cant we use edge trigger condition in if loop in verilog code

Ex. If (posedge clk) like this

How can we use edge condn in if loop in verilog

pls give me suggestions

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