If it's an open problem it usually means it's difficult, so.... 3-4 months is hard to say.
- Non Von-Neuman architectures: Analog computing, Neuromorphic
- Scheduling ... always a problem, never a solution
- Low Power / Low Energy ... think of it as more battery
- Probabilistic computing
- Adiabatic computing
- Reliability --- Recover from soft and hard errors, including checkpointing, redudancy
- Security and trustworthiness: How do you know that a chip does what it's supposed to do?
- Testing: How to test a circuit after completition very efficiently
- System level design: People care too much about the microprocessor, but what about the north-bridge, the memory interface, SerDES and so on
- Quantum computing ... of course
- Human Computer Interaction...
- Architecture specific to computer analytic: Bloomcam filters, fasth caches, and so on.
PFFF many other ideas
Ask your advisor to give you ideas... that's THEIR JOB DESCRIPTION