Visual Basic 6/.net or 2005 ??

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Member level 2
Apr 1, 2005
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Hi there,

What is the most effiecent of these three?, VB 2005 or VB6 ??

i need to interface pic trough serial port even read data from a usb device ?

any help ? is the best in my opinion.
VB6 is dead and unsupported by Microsoft now is good but it needs .net platform to run.
You can easily interface your MCU with vb6.
use mscomm.ocx activex.


VB.NET is the same as VB 2005, any way, most of the hard things to do with VB6 are piece of cake now in VB.NET, such as writing to registry and INI files, tray handling, and many other things. I started with VB6, and moved to VB.NET a month later. But I am still learning, and I really like VB.NET now.

Control arrays are not supported in VB.NET, but we can make fake control array, or what is called, array of controls using control properties. Also renaming a file is no longer supported in VB.NET, I felt frustrated in deed, but I solved that using the move method in file class which enabled me to change the file name and move it to another location at the same time, pretty good. XP style is easily implemented in VB.NET using enablevisualstyles, and doevents. The IDE is very helping, especially in microsoft visual studio 2005, its really amazing and easily manageable.

No need to complain about .NET framework any more when distributing an application, because it will be included in the new comming Windows vista now, sooner or later, VB6 will loose its functionality. I can say that .NET will be microsoft's programming language for the next 10 years, so why miss the train, or even be late for it.

I was a bit in the same situation some time ago.

VB.NET much better language, support for objects and simular, better developement enviroment. Big downside is that the .NET platform needs to be installed, about 24mb of data. I think it is include in XP sp2. This is not availibel for W95/98, the computer must use w2k or xp.

VB 6 still works and can be "updated" with new ocx components and simular if needed. In this case the runtime enviroment is a couple of dll files that easily installs with an application.

In the end I actualy selected VB 6 as I needed to distribute my program and did not want all the trouble with the .NET platform instalation and support for en customers. If the software would have been used on a few computers under my supervision I would have installed the .NET stuff and gone with VB .NET

Serial port access is simple in VB just use MSCOMM. THe only limitation I have run into is that it only supports port numers up to 16. In the end I did go for external solution to get around this...

regards Me


VB.NET is the same as VB 2005, any way, most of the hard things to do with VB6 are piece of cake now in VB.NET, such as writing to registry and INI files, tray handling, and many other things. I started with VB6, and moved to VB.NET a month later. But I am still learning, and I really like VB.NET now.

Control arrays are not supported in VB.NET, but we can make fake control array, or what is called, array of controls using control properties. Also renaming a file is no longer supported in VB.NET, I felt frustrated in deed, but I solved that using the move method in file class which enabled me to change the file name and move it to another location at the same time, pretty good. XP style is easily implemented in VB.NET using enablevisualstyles, and doevents. The IDE is very helping, especially in microsoft visual studio 2005, its really amazing and easily manageable.

No need to complain about .NET framework any more when distributing an application, because it will be included in the new comming Windows vista now, sooner or later, VB6 will loose its functionality. I can say that .NET will be microsoft's programming language for the next 10 years, so why miss the train, or even be late for it.


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my original problem was compatibility on all windows, but i guess i will stick to now, need to refresh my knowledge abou it, cause latley i used alot ansci c.

yeah i noticed what you said metal that some things that were difficult in vb6 now are piece of cake in but sill not that straight foward as VB6.


The .NET platform instalation will most probably not be a problem as you write. And if customers only use XP I also think that it would work with only minor problems. But sitll there is many out there using 95/98/Me and also win2k and for them .NET is no option.

I also had some doubts about asking custmer with XP/win2k and no .NET to install it because I know we then would take the first support hit if its problem. I think this has also improved over time but still, I feal a bit bad about asking customer to install 24mb updat to windows for a 1mb simple software.

regards Me

the software i'm coding is only for my use for a specific application interfaced with my project. so regarding installation and customers i have no problem.


There is no need to worry about that too, deployment options include the ability to ditribute .NET framework with the application.


Let me know what are you intrested in VB.NET, we may work together on a project, even if I don't know how to do it, we can learn it.


i will let you know when i have some chance cause soon i have exams so i need to study .

thanks alot metal

It is better to use VB2005 to interface pic.
generally it is very good to learn VB2005 as it is the new technology of microsoft so you would better know it, because it is very easy and has very rich library.

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