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Virtuoso Layout question..

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Advanced Member level 4
Advanced Member level 4
Apr 12, 2005
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San Jose, California, USA
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Can I from a schematic view generate just the layout of schematic components?

then from Virtuoso window, i conifigure the pCells parameters such as fingures, etc.

Can I see virtual connects on the generated layout? To be able to connect them via different metal layers? I mean something like that in Mentor IC Station (kindly check the attached photo)

**broken link removed**

I hope that my question is clear and find answer
Thanks alot in advance,

virtuoso xl is not enabled

Could u please form u ? once again? i might help us to solve ur problem

With regards

no lxextractlayers

pkalavakuru said:
Could u please form u ? once again? i might help us to solve ur problem

If I understood well what you said, I think that you want me to clarify my question again, right? I will assume that..

What I asked for is:

- I hava a schematic view of a circuit (Say: an inverter schematic)

- I want to draw its corresponding layout using Virtuoso or XL layout editor

- I wanna export it to the layout tool as separate instances layouts (i.e. NMOS and PMOS, and may be input and output pins as well as onother pins for supply)

- What I ment by "export" is to auto-generate instances corresponding layout

- I then have to connect them manually via metal layers, and of course have the ability to : move them around, and configure their pCells parameters.

- I want to see virtual interconnects (such as in the picture above in "Yellow" )

Could anyone get what i wanna do now?!


virtuoso layout show instances

as far I know, place and route in virtuoso can give the interconnect, but it needs some files supported--this is not what i know

virtuoso xl (schematics) is not enabled

1-open icfb
2-open the ur cell schematic
3-Tools>Design synthesis>layout XL
4-now the virtouso XL layout editor is opened
5-from the XL window: Design>Gen from source
6-now choose thesettings u want : example ur I/O pins layer
8-option:display: set stop to say "50"
9-now all ur instances are generated on the layout
10-Connectivity:show incomplete nets:
11- choose the nets u want to check their connection "or select all"
virtuoso layout instance

Thanks Safwat,
I tried it, but it looks like Layout XL is not responding! it gives me the following error message:

There're no 'lxExtractLayers defined in library 'Test',
To get Virtuoso XL connectivity, you need to update your technology file.

and in the icfb log :

Virtuoso XL is not enabled.

Can u suggest a solution?!


virtuoso xl is not enabled.

Virtuoso XL is not enabled.

You don't have Virtuoso XL feature in your license file (or that feature doesn't work with your license

there are no lxextractlayers defined in library

No, i have that feature in the license!! but i don't know how to enable !! :(
see the attached snapshot..

Can you refere to this post here:


virtuoso layout mentor

With my experience with Cadence tools what I guess is, You need a special XL editor technology file. The processes that we are using majorly designed to work with the manual routing and can verify design violations when layout is completed. The rules for the automated layout might be specified in the given file by you and when the system could not find such file, the XL editor is not enabled.

there are no lxextractlayers

i think that the picture u attached does prove anything,
as the licences shown are all the licence not just urs, try to type in the terminal "lmstat -a" and check the licence in the output

file manager schematic view

safwatonline said:
i think that the picture u attached does prove anything,
as the licences shown are all the licence not just urs, try to type in the terminal "lmstat -a" and check the licence in the output

I did, and it's available product, and i'm 100% sure that it's not a license issue! A guy here used Virtuoso XL before with the same license, but he left the company and switched to work in Menotr company and tools :D


you need to update your technology file

From a command window pass to a window

Tools> Technology File Manager> Edit Rules

Find a class LX and edit it how it is necessary for you. For the reference use
" Technology File and Display Resource File User Guide "

xl layout technology file

ahmad_abdulghany said:
Thanks Safwat,
I tried it, but it looks like Layout XL is not responding! it gives me the following error message:

There're no 'lxExtractLayers defined in library 'Test',
To get Virtuoso XL connectivity, you need to update your technology file.

and in the icfb log :
I think that mean you have no right technology file,so find one technology file support your XL feature.

virtuoso licence

I found it, and the problem is when i added definition of XL layers in it, it still doesn't work!

Check for it in vxlhelp.pdf (page 443) where in the stated page the same error occured to me..

The solution presented there is to add some lines defining XL and connectivity layers in the technology file used in the library..
lxExtractLayers(( M1 M2)

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

how to enable virtuoso xl (schematics)?

What is this

what is the difference between virtuoso layout editor n vituoso xl layout editor??
thanks in advance


u can try doing this if u don`t have Virtuoso XL feature on ur layout window....
>Go to the schematic window and Q (properties bindkey) on a device( say a pfet)
>In the layout window click i(instance)
>U would find the corresponding device that u had clicked on the schematic window. It allows you to change the parameters as well.


Re: virtuoso layout instance

Thanks Safwat,
I tried it, but it looks like Layout XL is not responding! it gives me the following error message:

and in the icfb log :

Can u suggest a solution?!


Although a long time passed since the last activity in this thread, the tools haven't changed much and just recently I had the same error.

I think the better way to solve is as following:

1) in icfb window go to "Tools"->"Technology File Manager"
2) A window "Technology File Tool Box" pops up
3) press "Attach..." button
4) select the design library which experiences this issue
5) select the technology file to which it should be attached (e.g. cmrf8sf) and press "apply"->"ok"

Now the layers should be defined and visible and the layout should be editable. I still have no clue why I suddenly lose my layers after working in a file just a couple of hours earlier...

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